Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election day ... at least it's over

I had a student ask me the other day about my choices on election day. I did not respond. I couldn't. That would be unethical. My silence started a conversation between the students, however. They are 9th-graders ... much too young to vote.

Several students were spreading their hatred of Obama, while others were disagreeing. I wondered why they had political opinions at that age. Most likely, those opinions were not theirs, but their parents'. That is sad. Being taught how to think at such a young age.

I was lucky; my parents allowed me to form my own opinions. I was well into my teens before I knew what party affiliation they trusted. I made my own decisions, and have lived my life allowing others to form their own opinions without my input. When I am asked what candidate I would vote for, I simply discuss the candidates' stands on the issues (usually education), and move on. How I wish others would do the same.

So many people went to the polls blind yesterday. They had not researched the issues; they simply voted their party. That was not the point of the democratic system. This should not be a class or party war, but a well-thought-out decision based on who is best for the job.

Maybe some day...

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