Thursday, November 4, 2010

Teacher's pet peeves

I hate living in a town so close to a college that I can't stand; when it comes to football teams that it. It's great to be a Gator-hater, as long as you don't live 40 miles from the university.

One of my daily pleasures is getting up in the morning and reading my newspaper. I know, I'm an old fogey - no one reads newspapers anymore. Well, I do. Lately, it's been annoying. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked.

The Gators are not playing well this year. They lost most of their team when Tebow graduated, so they are struggling. Before last weekend, they had lost three in a row. Then, they faced Georgia and squeaked out a win. You would have thought the world had turned upside down. Every day since the win, the sports section of the newspaper has been riddled with stories about how the coach has turned things around, how the team has finally found their groove, etc.

Uh...hello? The Gators won by a field goal. In overtime. Because of a Georgia mistake. Period. We did not see the return of greatness to the team. We saw a struggling team squeak out a victory against another struggling team.

Now, the focus is on Vanderbilt. One article alluded that Saturday's game would be a defining moment for Florida. That the return to greatness will continue on Saturday. Against Vanderbilt. Are you kidding me?

Whatever. As one of my friends put it: It's kind of nice seeing Florida struggle this year.

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