Thursday, November 25, 2010

Justin who?

I, for the life of me, cannot understand the hoopla surrounding Justin Bieber. Here are five reasons I wish Bieber fever would just go away:

1. He's 16, and sounds like a 12-year-old girl when he sings. Seriously.
2. He LOOKS like a 11-year-old boy. I'm just waiting for the acne to pop up. Goodbye
     pop sensation, hello ProActive salesman.
3. His hair. 'Nough said. I just want to take a pair of clippers and shave it all off. Then, to
     top it all off, New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady, who has to be about 150
     years old, now has Bieber hair. And to top THAT off ...
4. He tried to rap. Apparently, he got REAL upset over Brady's hair, and included a
     reference to it in a rap song.Are you freaking kidding me? He sounded like a 16-year-
     old white kid trying to rap.
5. He has a tattoo. Now, I like tattoos, but this was ridiculous. After getting mommy's
     permission, Bieber was allowed to get a seagull tattooed on his front hip.
     Now, get out your magnifying glasses, because you will need them ... the tattoo is that

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